IAWKL 2024 Resmi Dibuka di Kuala Lumpur yang Menampilkan 70 Karya Arsitektur Indonesia telah Menimbulkan Decak Kagum Pengunjung
[English text below] Pameran Indonesian Architects Week Kuala Lumpur 2024 (IAWKL 2024) resmi dibuka di The Godown, Kuala Lumpur, 14 November 2024. Acara ini diresmikan oleh Hendra P. Iskandar, Minister Councelor Economic Affairs dari Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Malaysia; Ar. Georgius Budi Yulianto, ST., MT., Ketua Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI); Prof. Ar. Adrianta Aziz, Presiden Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM); Emily Wee, co-founder Godown; Deddy Wahjudi, co-founder dan anggota dewan IAWKL2024; serta kurator Rizki Supratman dan Trianzani Sulshi.
Sebanyak 70 biro arsitektur yang berasal dari 11 provinsi di Indonesia menampilkan karya arsitektur mereka yang merespons tema “Equatorial Synaesthesia: An Exploration of Sensory Harmony and Spatial Perception, Revisiting the Tenets of Critical Regionalism.” Tema ini mengajak para arsitek untuk mengeksplorasi keseimbangan inderawi dan persepsi ruang yang dipadukan dengan prinsip-prinsip regionalisme secara kritis dan relevan di kawasan ekuator.
Dengan bimbingan dua kurator, arsitek diminta untuk fokus merespons tema sehingga muncul beragam pendalaman arsitektur yang diketengahkan dalam bentuk model/maket arsitektur yang menjadi sajian utama pameran. Maket/model tidak hadir seperti pada umumnya menampilkan bangunan utuh semata, melainkan potongan bangunan sehingga kedalaman persepsi spasial dan sensori semakin dapat dipahami lewat pameran ini.
Pameran kolektif berbasis komunitas ini tidak hanya menarik perhatian audiens dari sisi konten dan penyajiannya yang bagus. Namun, lebih dari itu, kekompakan ratusan arsitek Indonesia untuk bergotong royong bekerja bersama-sama untuk sebuah pameran dan beramai-ramai datang ke Kuala Lumpur ini membuat decak kagum arsitek Malaysia.
Hendra P. Iskandar, Minister Councelor Economic Affairs dari Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia juga merasa sangat gembira karena acara ini membuka hubungan dan tali silaturahmi yang lebih baik lagi antara kedua negara, lewat insan arsitektur.
Adapun 70 biro arsitektur yang berpartisipasi:
Aaksen Responsible Aarchitecture
Access Architect
AGo Architects
AI-CTLA Studio
Airmas Asri
andyrahman architect
Angkasa Architects
Arcadia Architect
Arkana Architects
Atelier Riri
Cowema Studio Arsitektur
Denton Corker Marshall
Dhanie & Sal
djuhara + djuhara
DOMMA Design Studio
Dua Studio
ESPERTA architecture-interior
Hartono Design Syndicates (HDS)
hepta desain
HMP Architects
Hooram Architect
K-Thengono Design Studio
K.o.H Studio
Karsa Studio
Litdesign + Associate
Magi Design Studio
MIV Architects
Nataneka Architects
Nitkala Arsitek
Paulus Setyabudi Architect
PHL Architects
Popo Danes Architect
Pranala Associates
PSA Studio
PT Arkonin
PT Paragon Technology & Innovation
PT Urbane Indonesia
PT Je feriasthama
Salim Abdullah Architects
Satu Arsitek
SHAU Indonesia
Simon Dhoni Studio
Studio Arsitektropis
Studio Asia Raya
Studio Denny Setiawan
Tamara Wibowo Architects
Wastu Cipta Parama
Why+D Studio
Willis Kusuma Architects
Wiyoga Nurdiansyah Architects
Yolodi+Maria Architects
Acara ini merupakan collateral event UIA 2024 Kuala Lumpur. IAW sendiri telah diselenggarakan keempat kali yang sebelumnya berlangsung bersamaan dengan kegiatan UIA di Tokyo, Seoul, dan Rio. LABO., biro arsitektur di bawah Deddy Wahjudi merupakan inisiator IAW dengan keinginan untuk mengenalkan arsitek Indonesia ke internasional.
Pelaksanaan IAWKL 2024 melibatkan Rofianisa Nurdin sebagai Program Director, serta Andi Rahmat dari NUSAE sebagai art director. Sementara dewan penasihat IAWKL terdiri dari tokoh-tokoh arsitektur seperti Andra Matin, Wendy Djuhara, Imelda Akmal, Nelly L. Daniel, dan Deddy Wahjudi.
Pameran terbuka untuk umum setiap hari dari 14-23 November 2024, pukul 11.00 hingga 20.00 waktu setempat, tanpa biaya masuk. Acara didukung oleh Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) dan Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI), IAW menampilkan semangat kolaborasi arsitek Indonesia dan memberi kesempatan bagi mereka yang berada di luar negeri untuk kembali terhubung dengan komunitas dalam negeri.
IAWKL 2024 Officially Opens in Kuala Lumpur Featuring 70 Indonesian Architectural Works that Amaze Visitors
The Indonesian Architects Week Kuala Lumpur 2024 (IAWKL 2024) exhibition was officially opened at The Godown, Kuala Lumpur, 14 November 2024. This event was officiated by Hendra P. Iskandar, Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs from the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Malaysia; Ar. Georgius Budi Yulianto, ST., MT., Chairman of the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI); Prof. Ar. Adrianta Aziz, President of the Malaysian Akitek Association (PAM); Emily Wee, co-founder of Godown; Deddy Wahjudi, co-founder and board member of IAWKL2024; as well as curators Rizki Supratman and Trianzani Sulshi.
A total of 70 architectural firms from 11 provinces in Indonesia displayed their architectural works responding to the theme “Equatorial Synaesthesia: An Exploration of Sensory Harmony and Spatial Perception, Revisiting the Tenets of Critical Regionalism.” This theme invites architects to explore sensory balance and spatial perception combined with the principles of regionalism in a critical and relevant manner in the equatorial region.
With the guidance of two curators, architects were asked to focus on responding to the theme so that various architectural insights emerged which were presented in the form of architectural models/mockups which became the main presentation of the exhibition. The models/mockups were not present as they usually show only whole buildings, but rather pieces of buildings so that the depth of spatial and sensory perception could be further understood through this exhibition.
This community-based collective exhibition not only attracted the audience’s attention from its good content and presentation. However, more than that, the solidarity of hundreds of Indonesian architects to work together for an exhibition and come to Kuala Lumpur in droves amazed Malaysian architects.
Hendra P. Iskandar, Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs from the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia also felt very happy because this event opened up better relations and ties between the two countries, through architectural figures.
The 70 architectural firms that participated:
Aaksen Responsible Aarchitecture
Access Architect
AGo Architects
AI-CTLA Studio
Airmas Asri
andyrahman architect
Angkasa Architects
Arcadia Architect
Arkana Architects
Atelier Riri
Cowema Studio Arsitektur
Denton Corker Marshall
Dhanie & Sal
djuhara + djuhara
DOMMA Design Studio
Dua Studio
ESPERTA architecture-interior
Hartono Design Syndicates (HDS)
hepta desain
HMP Architects
Hooram Architect
K-Thengono Design Studio
K.o.H Studio
Karsa Studio
Litdesign + Associate
Magi Design Studio
MIV Architects
Nataneka Architects
Nitkala Arsitek
Paulus Setyabudi Architect
PHL Architects
Popo Danes Architect
Pranala Associates
PSA Studio
PT Arkonin
PT Paragon Technology & Innovation
PT Urbane Indonesia
PT Je feriasthama
Salim Abdullah Architects
Satu Arsitek
SHAU Indonesia
Simon Dhoni Studio
Studio Arsitektropis
Studio Asia Raya
Studio Denny Setiawan
Tamara Wibowo Architects
Wastu Cipta Parama
Why+D Studio
Willis Kusuma Architects
Wiyoga Nurdiansyah Architects
Yolodi+Maria Architects
This event is a collateral event of UIA 2024 Kuala Lumpur. IAW itself has been held four times, previously taking place simultaneously with UIA activities in Tokyo, Seoul, and Rio. LABO., an architectural firm under Deddy Wahjudi is the initiator of IAW with the desire to introduce Indonesian architects to the international community.
The implementation of IAWKL 2024 involves Rofianisa Nurdin as Program Director, and Andi Rahmat from NUSAE as art director. Meanwhile, the IAWKL advisory board consists of architectural figures such as Andra Matin, Wendy Djuhara, Imelda Akmal, Nelly L. Daniel, and Deddy Wahjudi.
The exhibition is open to the public every day from November 14-23, 2024, from 11:00 to 20:00 local time, with no entrance fee. Supported by the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI) and the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI), IAW showcases the collaborative spirit of Indonesian architects and provides an opportunity for those abroad to reconnect with the domestic community.
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