Memperkuat Koneksi: Platform Industri Furnitur Terintegrasi
[Text provided by Indonesia Meubel & Design Expo 2024 – English text below] IFFINA, Indonesia Meubel & Design Expo, kembali diadakan tahun ini mulai tanggal 14 hingga 17 September di Indonesian Convention Exhibition (ICE), BSD City, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia.
Pameran perdagangan internasional dan pameran desain ini akan menjadi tuan rumah bagi para pelaku industri mebel, desain, dan kerajinan, untuk menghadirkan peluang bisnis potensial yang tak terbatas.
Untuk para buyers, IFFINA 2024 menargetkan pemain di pasar ekspor dan domestik, termasuk importir, traders, wholesalers, retailers, pemilik proyek, arsitek, desainer interior, desainer produk, dan para pelaku di industri HORECA.
IFFINA 2024 tidak hanya mengundang pengunjung dari pasar domestik, tetapi juga menyasar buyers internasional dan pelaku industri terkait. Program khusus untuk buyers’ yang memenuhi syarat akan disediakan, dengan fasilitas VIP yang mencakup akses prioritas ke pameran dan lounge dengan layanan yang dirancang untuk memaksimalkan konektivitas bisnis.
Tahun ini, IFFINA akan mengusung tema “Sustainable by Design”. Tema ini diadopsi sebagai bentuk komitmen terhadap praktik desain yang ramah lingkungan, sejalan dengan meningkatnya kesadaran global akan pentingnya keberlanjutan.
IFFINA bertujuan menjadi platform End-to-End untuk Industri Furnitur dan Kerajinan. Tahun ini, IFFINA juga akan berkolaborasi dengan interzum SEA, untuk membawa teknologi terkini dalam produksi furnitur, kerajinan kayu, dan desain di pasar Asia Tenggara. Kolaborasi ini juga akan fokus pada keberlanjutan, sesuai dengan tema keseluruhan pameran.
Selama penyelenggaraan acara tahun 2023, IFFINA mencatat kehadiran lebih dari 10.000 pengunjung dari 41 negara. Pengunjung terbagi ke dalam beberapa kategori: Trade Buyers (38%), Pengadaan (26%), Desainer/Arsitektur (21%) dengan sisanya adalah Proyek dan Retailers. Di sisi lain, kategori produk paling populer adalah Furnitur (46%), Penyediaan (22%), dan Kerajinan (13%), diikuti oleh Dekorasi Rumah & Aksesoris. Transaksi di tempat dan pesanan lanjutan pada IFFINA 2023 diperkirakan mencapai USD 200 juta, berkontribusi pada ekspor Indonesia ke pasar internasional.
Bagi para penggemar industri furnitur dan desain, jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mengunjungi IFFINA 2024. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi .
Empowering Connections: End-to-End Furniture Industry Platform
IFFINA, Indonesia Meubel & Design Expo, returns this year from September 14th to 17th at the Indonesian Convention Exhibition (ICE), BSD, Jakarta, Indonesia.
The international trade fair and design exhibition will host a range of manufacturers, makers, designers, furniture brands, studio designs, crafts, and more, acting as a platform to push the development of the craftsmanship industry as well as providing potential business opportunities for exhibitors and buyers.
For the buyers, IFFINA 2024 is targeting players in both the export and domestic markets. They include importers, traders, wholesalers, retailers, project owners, architects, interior designers, product designers, and those in the HORECA industry.
A special buyers hosting program will be available to serve trade professionals who have specific sourcing needs such as in furniture, furniture production, furniture materials, home decoration, and interior products. Qualified VIP buyers will get to enjoy an array of premium benefits such as priority fair access, use of the VIP lounge with complimentary refreshments, and so on all of which are tailored to enhance the experience and maximize business connections.
This year, IFFINA will be incorporating “Sustainable by Design” as its theme. This theme was adopted in response to environmental damage and to raise the already growing awareness on the issue in the design world. Through this theme, IFFINA will showcase creative innovations in eco-conscious designs.
IFFINA aims to be the End-to-End platform for the Furniture and Craft Industry. 2024 IFFINA will also collaborate with Interzum SEA to bring the latest furniture production, woodworking, and design to the Southeast Asian market. The collaboration will also focus on sustainability, which is in line with the overall theme of the fair. As Interzum is the world’s leading trade fair for furniture production and interior design, it showcases groundbreaking technology and revolutionary materials.
During the 2023 iteration of the event, IFFINA welcomed 10,117 visitors, with 1,121 international visitors from 41 countries. Visitors fell into several categories: Trade Buyers (38%), Procurement (26%), Designer/Architecture (21%) with the rest being Project and Retailers. On the other hand, the most popular product categories were Furniture (46%), Furnishing (22%), and Craft (13%), followed by Home Décor & Gift, Lighting Accessories. On-site transactions and follow-up orders at IFFINA 2023 were expected to reach USD 200 million, contributing to Indonesian exports to the international market.
For more information about the fair, please visit:
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