Sonny Sutanto Architects – ARCHINESIA
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Sonny Sutanto Architects

[English text below] Sonny Sutanto adalah salah seorang penggagas komunitas Arsitek Muda Indonesia (AMI) dan pengajar di Jurusan Arsitektur di Universitas Indonesia dan Universitas Pelita Harapan dan aktif sebagai anggota TABG (Tim Ahli Bangunan Gedung) DKI Jakarta.

Kecintaannya terhadap arsitektur menggugah pemikiran kritisnya untuk terus bereksplorasi dan melakukan berbagai eksperimen. Sonny Sutanto lahir di Jakarta, 1963, meraih gelar sarjana arsitektur dari Universitas Indonesia pada 1986, dan kemudian mendapatkan gelar masternya di University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) pada 1990.

Pengalaman praktik arsitektur Sonny Sutanto terbentang sejak ia lulus tahun 1986, hingga tahun 2003 beliau mendirikan biro Sonny Sutanto Architects. Rancangan Sonny Sutanto Architects melingkupi berbagai tipologi bangunan seperti residensial, perkantoran, bangunan pendidikan, publik, hingga komersial seperti hotel dan apartemen.

The Oasis Sanur Lagon, Bali

Konsistensinya terhadap dunia arsitektur telah menorehkan banyak prestasi. Sejumlah penghargaan yang pernah diterima antara lain IAI Awards, ARCASIA Award, Asian Best Interior Awards for FNB, Greenship Awards, dan Corporate Awards dari operator hotel. Sonny Sutanto Architects juga pernah memenangi sejumlah kompetisi, salah satunya adalah kompetisi desain beberapa bangunan pendidikan. Selain penghargaan, buah pemikiran dan karya-karya dari Sonny Sutanto Architects juga sudah dipublikasikan dalam buku yang berjudul Don Jads De Buk Bai Its Kafer.

Sonny Sutanto is one of the founders of the Indonesian Young Architects (AMI) community, a lecturer at the University of Indonesia and Pelita Harapan University, and an active member of the Building Experts Team (TABG) Jakarta.

He was born in Jakarta in 1963. He received his bachelor’s degree in architecture from the University of Indonesia in 1986 and completed his master’s degree in 1990 at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).

Commencing his career in 1986, and established his eponymous architecture firm, Sonny Sutanto Architects in 2003. The firm deals with projects such as residences, offices, education institutions, public facilities, as well as commercial buildings like hotels and apartments.

The 101 Kuta, Bali

His consistency and experience have bestowed him many accolades, some of them are IAI Awards, ARCASIA Awards, Asian Best Interior Awards for FNB, Greenship Awards, and Corporate Awards from Hotel Operator. He has also won some competitions, one of them for designing education institutions, and published a book titled Don Jads De Buk Bai Its Kafer.

Sonny Sutanto Architects

Category: Architect
Location: Jakarta
Founded: 2003

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