Baskoro Tedjo & Associates – ARCHINESIA
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Baskoro Tedjo & Associates

[English text below] Sejak didirikan tahun 1999, Baskoro Tedjo & Associates, menjadikan aspek environmental behavior sebagai gagasan utama dalam desain mereka. Tidak hanya merancang gubahan arsitektur yang estetis secara visual, Baskoro Tedjo & Associates yang juga terdiri dari Jimmy Purba, Arief Widjananto, dan Ajat Sudrajat sebagai prinsipal, senantiasa merespon perilaku lingkungan di sekitar tapak sehingga arsitektur dapat terintegrasi secara menyeluruh.

Biro ini telah banyak memenangkan banyak sayembara arsitektur. Di antaranya peringkat pertama Sayembara Desain Campus Center ITB yang kemudian dibangun pada 2003, Sayembara Stasiun Monorail Kuningan (2005), Sayembara Desain WWF Indonesia Branch Office (2006), serta Sayembara Desain Jawa Tengah Learning Center pada 2007 dan Sayembara Indonesian Cultural House, Dili, Timor Leste di tahun 2014. Baskoro Tedjo & Associates juga pernah meraih penghargaan Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) Awards tahun 2002 untuk Selasar Sunaryo Art Space untuk Culture Facility.

Kalla Tower, Makassar

Sejumlah karya Baskoro Tedjo & Associate pernah dimuat dalam sejumlah buku BCI Asia Architecture @13 sampai BCI Asia Architecture @17. Di antaranya proyek Mimika Sport Complex di Timika, Jagorawi Rest Area, Indonesian Cultural Center di Timor Leste, Tapi Talo Resort Mall di Makassar, dan ROTA Integrated Dormitory di Jatinangor. Karya lainnya juga pernah dipublikasikan di majalah Archinesia #6 untuk Villatel Salse Bandung dan di dalam buku Architectural Guide Indonesia karya Imelda Akmal, yang diterbitkan oleh DOM Publisher, Jerman.

Baskoro Tedjo lahir di Semarang tahun 1956 dan menyelesaikan pendidikan arsitektur di Institut Teknologi Bandung. Pada 1982 dan di tahun yang sama sempat menjadi asisten dosen di institusi tersebut. Ia melanjutkan studi Master of Science pada bidang Environment & Behavior dari Polytechnic Institute of New York, Amerika dan lulus pada tahun 1989. Setelah itu Baskoro Tedjo mendapatkan gelar Ph.D di Department of Architeture, Osaka University, Jepang dan kemudian mendirikan Baskoro Tedjo & Associates yang berlokasi di Bandung. Di samping berarsitektur, Baskoro Tedjo berprofesi sebagai pengajar senior di Jurusan Arsitektur ITB sejak tahun 2000 hingga kini.

Established by Baskoro Tedjo in 1999, Baskoro Tedjo & Associates has ever since taken the environmental behavior aspect as its primary design idea. Not only designing aesthetic architectural composition, Baskoro Tedjo & Associates—which also consists of Jimmy Purba, Arief Widjananto, and Ajat Sudrajat as principals—also creates an integrated architecture by responding to the site’s environmental behavior.

This design idea also led them to win numerous architecture competitions. Among them are 1st rank of ITB Campus Center Design Competition built-in 2003, Kuningan Monorail Station Competition (2005), and WWF Indonesia Design Competition for Branch Office (2006). In addition to that, they won the Central Java Learning Design Competition in 2007 and the Indonesian Cultural House Competition, Dili, Timor Leste in 2014. Moreover, Baskoro Tedjo & Associates is also awarded IAI Awards in Selasar Sunaryo Art Space for Culture Facility in 2002.

Mimika Sport Complex, Timika

Some of its works have been featured in BCI Asia Architecture @13 to @17. Such as Mimika Sport Complex in Timika, Jagorawi Rest Area, Indonesian Cultural Center in Timor Leste, Tapi Talo Resort Mall in Makassar, and ROTA Integrated Dormitory in Jatinangor. Another project from Baskoro Tedjo & Associates, Villatel Salse Bandung, also has been published in ARCHINESIA #6 and Architectural Guide Indonesia book by Imelda Akmal and published by DOM Publisher, Germany.

Baskoro Tedjo, born in Semarang in 1956, completed his Architectural Studies at Bandung Institute of Technology in 1982. In the same year, he was a teaching assistant at that institute. He obtained his Master of Science in Environmental & Behavior from Polytechnic Institute of New York, US in 1989. After that, Baskoro Tedjo earned his Ph.D. in the Faculty of Architecture, Osaka University, Japan, and established Baskoro Tedjo & Associates in Bandung. Besides practicing architecture, Baskoro Tedjo is also a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Architecture, Bandung Institute of Technology.

Baskoro Tedjo & Associates

Category: Architect
Location: Bandung
Founded: 1999

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