[English text below] Ivan Priatman adalah salah satu sosok “generasi kedua” yang memutuskan mengikuti jejak orang tuanya berkarier dalam bidang perancangan arsitektur. Ia menempuh pendidikan arsitektur di University of Washington, Seattle, AS dan lulus pada tahun 2006. Selama di University of Washington, ia mengikuti Architecture in Rome Program, sebuah program studio intensif di Roma, Itali. Ivan Priatman kemudian melanjutkan studi pascasarjana di University of Southern California, Los Angeles, AS dan lulus dengan gelar Master of Architecture dan Graduate Certificate in Building Science pada tahun 2010. Untuk prestasinya di University of Southern California, Ivan Priatman memperoleh American Institute of Architects (AIA) Medal dari AIA Los Angeles Chapter.
Ia memulai kariernya di dunia profesional arsitektur dengan mengikuti internship di Bassetti Architects, Seattle, AS tahun 2006, kemudian bekerja di Altoon + Porter Architects, Los Angeles, AS pada tahun 2008. Sejak tahun 2010, Ivan Priatman bergabung di Archimetric, biro yang didirikan oleh ayahnya, dan kini menjadi principal dan director of architecture. Pada tahun 2012, ia membentuk Ivan Priatman Architecture, biro arsitekturnya sendiri yang berfokus pada arsitektur residensial. Selain merancang, Ivan Priatman juga pernah menjadi dosen luar biasa di Department of Interior Architecture, Universitas Ciputra, Surabaya (2011 -2016).

DDYW Residence, Surabaya
Karya-karya Ivan Priatman Architecture antara lain Spiral House, DDYW Residence, RL House dan JJ House yang berlokasi di Surabaya, serta Uluwatu 36 dan HTA Residence yang berlokasi di Bali. Karyanya telah dimuat di sejumlah publikasi arsitektur nasional maupun internasional, antara lain Dwell (2015), ARCHINESIA #8 (2016), +1 Arsitek Dalam Konteks (2016), 15 Cerita Arsitek Muda (2017) dan Tropical Houses Equatorial Living Redefined (2018).

Spiral House, Surabaya
Ivan Priatman is one of the “second generation” figures who decided to follow in their parents’ footsteps in architecture. He studied architecture at the University of Washington, Seattle, US, and graduated in 2006. While studying at the University of Washington, he attended the Architecture in Rome Program, an intensive studio program in Rome, Italy. Ivan then continued his graduate study at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, US, and graduated with a Master of Architecture and Graduate Certificate in Building Science in 2010. For his achievements at the University of Southern California, Ivan earned the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Medal from AIA Los Angeles Chapter.
He began his career by taking an internship at Bassetti Architects, Seattle, US in 2006, then working at Altoon + Porter Architects, Los Angeles, US in 2008. Since 2010, Ivan Priatman has joined Archimetric, a firm established by his father in which he is currently a principal and director of architecture. In 2012, he established Ivan Priatman Architecture, his own architecture firm which focuses on residential buildings. In addition to designing, Ivan was also honored as “dosen luar biasa” (outstanding lecturer) at the Faculty of Interior Architecture, University of Ciputra, Surabaya (2011-2016).
Ivan Priatman Architecture’s works include Spiral House, DDYW Residence, RL House and JJ House located in Surabaya, and Uluwatu 36 and HTA Residence based in Bali. His works have been published in a number of national and international architectural publications, including Dwell (2015), ARCHINESIA #8 (2016), +1 Arsitek Dalam Konteks (2016), 15 Cerita Arsitek Muda (2017), and Tropical Houses Equatorial Living Redefined (2018).
Ivan Priatman Architecture
Category: Architect
Location: Surabaya
Website: http://www.ivanpriatman.com/
Founded: 2012