Indra Tata Adilaras – ARCHINESIA
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Indra Tata Adilaras

[English text below] Indra Tata Adilaras adalah biro konsultan yang didirikan oleh Supantah pada tahun 1998. Kemudian di tahun 2002, Setiadi Sopandi bergabung, dan keduanya menjabat sebagai principal. Biro arsitektur ini berlokasi di Bogor.

Beberapa proyek mereka antara lain Split Level House di Jakarta, Wood Box House di Bogor, White Box House di Jakarta, Sekolah Bogor Raya 2 dan 3, Museum Timah Indonesia di Muntok, Plaza Harmoni di Bogor, dan Aviary Hotel, Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan.

Aviary Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan

Plaza Harmoni, Bogor

Pada tahun 2010, mereka meraih posisi pertama pada Sayembara Penataan Kompleks HKBP Sudirman, Medan. Di tahun yang sama, Indra Tata Adilaras terpilih sebagai shortlisted IAI Awards untuk proyek Wood Box House. Pada ajang World Architecture Awards 20+10+ 8th tahun 2012, proyek tersebut juga meraih nilai tertinggi dari pilihan pengunjung. Karya lain mereka juga pernah ditampilkan dalam Pameran Nasional Arsitek Muda 2010, di Galeri Salihara, Jakarta, yang dikurasi oleh Marco Kusumawijaya, Avianti Armand, dan Suryono Herlambang.

Sejumlah media cetak, online, dan buku pernah memublikasikan karya mereka. Beberapa di antaranya adalah, The New Asia Pacific House (Patrick Bingham- Hall, 2010) yang mengulas proyek Wood Box House, lalu 50 Indonesian Architects + Emergings dan 50 Indonesia Houses (Imelda Akmal, 2010) dan laman ArchDaily, serta Sarasvati’s 10 Selected Architects.

Supantah lahir di Bogor, tahun 1967 dan menyelesaikan studi arsitektur di Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta pada 1990. Pada 1993, ia bekerja di Architra, sampai kemudian di tahun 1998 bersama Ita Burhan, istrinya mendirikan biro ini.

Setiadi Sopandi (1975) menempuh pendidikan arsitektur di Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung dan melanjutkan pendidikan master di National University of Singapore (NUS), School of Design and Environment hingga tahun 1998. Pada tahun 1997, ia sempat mengikuti program magang Han Awal & Partner, sampai akhirnya menjadi principal di Indra Tata Adilaras. Selain karya rancang, ia juga dikenal aktif mengajar, menulis, meneliti. Ia adalah penulis buku biografi Friedrich Silaban (Gramedia, 2017) dan kurator di www. – situs daring repositori arsip arsitektur satu-satunya di Indonesia.

Indra Tata Adilaras is an architecture firm based in Bogor. It was founded by Supantah in 1998, and later Setiadi Sopandi joined vin 2002. Both Supantah and Setiadi Sopandi are the principal of Indra Tata Adilaras.

Some of their projects include the Split Level House in Jakarta, the Wood Box House in Bogor, the White Box House in Jakarta, Bogor Raya 2 and 3 School, the Indonesian Tin Museum in Muntok, Plaza Harmoni in Bogor, and Aviary Hotel in Bintaro, South Tangerang.

Poso Energy Office, Cileungsi

Sekolah Bogor Raya, Bogor

Their firm won first prize in the HKBP Sudirman Complex Administration Competition in Medan. In the same year, Indra Tata Adilaras was also shortlisted in the IAI Awards for their Wood Box House project. That project received a higher score from the visitors of the World Architecture Awards 20+10+8th in 2012. Some of their projects were exhibited in the National Young Architect Exhibition 2010, curated by Marco Kusumawijaya, Avianti Armand, and Suryono Herlambang in the Salihara Gallery, Jakarta.

Their Wood Box House project was featured in The New Asia Pacific House, published in 2010, by Patrick Bingham-Hall. The firm and its projects are also featured in several other publications, such as the 50 Indonesian Architects + Emergings and 50 Indonesian Houses book (Imelda Akmal, 2010), ArchDaily page, and Sarasvati’s 10 Selected Architects.

Supantah was born in Bogor in 1967. He completed his bachelor’s degree in architecture from Tarumanagara University, Jakarta in 1990. In 1993, he worked for Architra, prior to establishing his own firm with his wife, Ita Burhan in 1998.

Setiadi Sopandi, born in 1975, earned his bachelor’s degree in architecture from Catholic Parahyangan University, Bandung. He completed his master’s degree in architecture from the School of Design and Environment, the National University of Singapore (NUS), School of Design and Environment. In 1997, he worked for Han Awal & Partners as an intern. He is now the principal in Indra Tata Adilaras. He has been actively involved in research, publication, curation, and archiving since 2007. He is the author of Friedrich Silaban’s biography book, published by Gramedia in 2017, and a curator at www.arsitekturindonesia. org, the first online repository dedicated to architecture archiving in Indonesia.

Indra Tata Adilaras

Category: Architect
Location: Bogor
Founded: 1998

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