dpavilion architects – ARCHINESIA
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Homedpavilion architects

dpavilion architects

[English text below] Edwin Nafarin, lahir di Surabaya, 1969, dan lulus dari Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta pada tahun 1995. Sebelum memutuskan untuk mendirikan dpavilion architects, Edwin memulai kariernya di bidang konservasi bangunan heritage. Selain itu, ia juga pernah menjadi dosen di kampus almamaternya pada tahun 1996-1998.

Biro yang berbasis di Surabaya dan Jakarta ini, memiliki visi untuk menciptakan arsitektur yang menyenangkan bagi banyak orang, dengan slogannya ‘kere bisa hore’. Menekankan pada konsep entertainment di setiap desainnya, dpavilion architects fokus pada entertainment dan commercial architecture. Beberapa contoh karya mereka adalah Jatim Park 2 dan 3, Museum Angkut, Secret Zoo, dan Batu Night Spectacular, semuanya berlokasi di Batu, Jawa Timur.

L Private Villa


Karya biro arsitektur ini berhasil mendapat beberapa penghargaan arsitektur. Salah satunya adalah juara 1 Karya Konstruksi Indonesia kategori Arsitektur (dari Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat) untuk proyek Jatim Park 2, tahun 2016. Karya lainnya adalah The Contertainer –sebuah perpustakaan umum dan fasilitas poli gigi di Batu, Jawa Timur– masuk dalam deretan nominasi Aga Khan Awards 2013.

Edwin Nafarin was born in Surabaya, 1969, and graduated from the Department of Architecture at Tarumanagara University, Jakarta, in 1995. He started his career in the conservation of heritage buildings before making a decision to build dpavilion architects. Besides that, he was a lecturer in his alma mater, from 1996-1998.

The firm which based in Surabaya and Jakarta has the vision to create an architectural design that pleases many people with its slogan ‘kere bisa hore’ (being poor can be happy). Dpavilion architects put more emphasis on entertainment concepts specializing in entertainment and commercial architecture. Jatim Park 2, Jatim Park 3, Angkut Museum, Secret Zoo, and Batu Night Spectacular are among their remarkable projects, and almost all of their works are located in Batu, East Java.

Jawa Timur Park 2

Amin Contertainer

This architecture firm has been bestowed with recognition, such as being the Winner of Karya Konstruksi Indonesia for Architecture category (by Ministry of Public Works) for Jatim Park 2 in Batu in 2016. One of the firm’s works worth attention is The Contertainer –a public library and dental facility in Batu– that was awarded as the nomination of Aga Khan Awards 2013.

dpavilion architects

Category: Architect
Location: Surabaya and Jakarta

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